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  • Writer's pictureDr Katarine ND RAc

Fibromyalgia - the Elusive Maladie

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain Syndrome
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain Syndrome

Fibromyalgia. Also known as Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. It’s a common rheumatic syndrome where patients suffer chronic widespread aching and tenderness in the muscles, fibrous tissues, tendons and other connective tissues. Additionally, sufferers often suffer excessive fatigue, exhaustion and frequently depression and insomnia


Much confusion exists regarding the exact nature of fibromyalgia. It has similarities to conditions like arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome, however it is a completely distinct condition requiring its own unique treatment. FM is a condition of muscle tenderness and stiffness with localized areas (Tender Points) of acute actual inflammation. Another difference between them is that arthritis affects joints, whereas fibromyalgia is non-articular (not related to joints). Nor is it the same as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), though it is very closely related, affects similar populations, etc. (CFS and Fibromyalgia may be seen as cousins in a sense). This leaves many questions as to it’s origin/causes, the disease process itself, and then in how to treat it.


The cause of fibromyalgia is not fully understood, however there are many theories about conditions and states that can bring about this chronic, often debilitating disorder. Though it affects women and men alike, women tend to be diagnosed much more frequently than men are (as in CFS). Some of the theories (many debunked by now) include:

  • The “Classic Fibromyalgia Patient” is commonly recognized as a young woman in her 20-50’s, hard working and career oriented, perfectionist, and who’s stressed or depressed. Some might call this the “Type-A" Modern Woman.

  • The presence of an infectious component to onset of fibromyalgia, either bacterial or viral, but this is also not yet proven.

  • The possibility of a hereditary or genetic component to the disease.

    • Though fibromyalgia isn't passed directly from parents to their children the way other diseases are, family studies have shown that the chances of developing fibromyalgia are several times higher if one has first degree relatives with fibromyalgia.

    • Interestingly, DNA studies have shown that family members of individuals with pain syndromes (including chronic pain and fibromyalgia) have activated genes that elevate the nervous systems response to physical stimuli from pressure and heat, which explains why they feel heightened and chronic sensations pain while others (without the disease) don’t.

  • Yet another theory is a connection to SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). It is postulated that the bacterial overgrowth may be releasing excessive amounts of toxic byproducts that overwhelm the livers ability to detoxify them, resulting in a systemic toxemia which causes widespread pain and fatigue.

  • In all likelihood, there is no single triggering event, rather it is a combination of factors like genetic susceptibility plus an infection, or chronic stress and a severe trauma, that ultimately cause the disorder.


Symptoms are typically present chronically but are exacerbated (made worse) by physical, mental or emotional stress, trauma, chronic sleep deprivation/disturbance, as well as cold and damp temperatures. Many sufferers experience frequent bacterial, viral or fungal infections (for example Candida), and are likewise aggravated by flare-ups of these conditions.

  • The symptoms are typically described as starting with diffuse aching and muscle stiffness. These gradually and slowly worsen several weeks or even months. Initially, these symptoms might be akin to general flu-like symptoms, malaise and lethargy, and one may experience low-grade fever and swollen glands. Over time the muscle pain and stiffness become more chronic and constant.

  • The classic muscular “Tender Points” become extremely tender to touch, and there are often palpable nodules present upon physical examination. The actual diagnosis is made by the presence at least 11 out of 18 trigger points.

  • The figure below (courtesy of ADAM medical images) depicts the common “Tender Points” of fibromyalgia

  • Muscle spasms and low-grade inflammation may be experienced by patients as a burning, aching or shooting pain in the affected area.

  • Sleep is typically poor (usually due to pain and stress) and individuals report trouble both falling asleep and waking up in the morning.

    • After waking there is often day-long overwhelming fatigue and a “Brain Fog” which lingers through the morning. Some sufferers experience memory loss and poor concentration.

  • Other commonly reported symptoms may include anxiety and/or depression, irritability, IBS (irritable bowel symptoms), bladder irritability and urinary frequency as well as general malaise.

  • Although symptoms vary in intensity and pain can be very severe in some individuals, fibromyalgia is not life threatening, nor does it lead to muscle or joint damage. Rather it is a chronic disease, meaning it is slow and lingering, typically does not resolve and may severely limit a person's ability to work, go to school, or take care of routine needs.


Unfortunately, at this time fibromyalgia has no known cure, and therefore must often be managed as a chronic condition. Management is critical though as pain and other symptoms are experienced daily for the approximately 1 million (3% of) diagnosed Canadians and 5.8 million Americans.

Given the confusion and complexity of the disorder, it is best dealt handled on in a very individual basis, by a practitioner who will align treatment with the unique patient, their particular symptoms as well as their goals. This type of treatment forms the cornerstone of Naturopathic Medicine, a branch of health care that is often very successful in helping those suffering from fibromyalgia and other chronic diseases.

  • In Allopathic Medicine, Fibromyalgia is only just starting to make appearances in literature. It is in fact not even acknowledged by many conventional medical doctors, which makes diagnosis exceptionally difficult. Even laboratory testing yields minimal abnormal blood values, meaning there isn’t any established testing available. Management by those MDs who do treat it typically includes antidepressants and tranquilizers as well as muscle relaxants, anti-inflammatory drugs (including NSAIDs) and nerve blocking agents. Unfortunately, not only do these medications all have multiple side effects that may be felt even more acutely by those with fibromyalgia, they typically offer or only short-term relief.

  • On the other hand, Naturopathic Medicine has much to offer sufferers of Fibromyalgia. An important part is recognizing that sufferers of the disorder are all individuals, and so to are the causes, disease processes and optimal treatment methods/prescriptions. Rather that utilizing “umbrella therapies” (like muscle relaxants, antidepressants, etc) Naturopathic Physicians treat the individual patient. We take the time to identify what the most likely triggers and instigating factors might be as well as how they’re impacting the individual and the proceed to treat them while at the same time working to alleviate current symptoms.

Preparing a therapeutic Epsom Salt bath

Epsom salt baths are excellent for relaxation as they bring magnesium into muscles and joints which helps with relaxation and therefore pain alleviation. They are also very beneficial in detoxification protocols as they induce sweating, which one method the body uses to remove toxins.

  • Pour 2-3 cups of Epsom salts (Magnesium Sulphate) into your tub and run a hot bath (as hot as you can tolerate).

  • Soak in it for 10-15 minutes, sipping water or tea occasionally (to prevent dehydration).

  • Consider adding 5-10 drops of an essential oil or crushed herbs such as lavender (for relaxation), chamomile (for pain and relaxation), rosemary (for mental stimulation) or rose (to help alleviate depression).

  • When you’re ready to exit the bath, do so slowly as you may feel faint.

  • Note: it's advisable to have a family member check that you don’t become drowsy or fall asleep.

Dr Katarine Holewa, ND RAc

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